Daniel's Park

This park was deeded to the city on March 26, 1934 by Rev Almer and Claudia Pennewell. The Pennewell's, residents of Chicago and friends of C. G. Daniel. Sr. and family, stipulated in the deed that this parcel be used as a public park and be named "Daniel Park". C. G. Daniel, Sr. (1849-1936), an early day lawyer in Vandalia, was a son-in-law of Aaron McPike.

Trees were set out and fire pits constructed by the Rotary Club in the late 1940's. The city provided restrooms and playground equipment in the latter years of 1970. In 1976, the Vandalia Bi-Centennial committee acquired a log cabin built by the John Alexander family of West McPike Co. (circa 1860) and moved it to Daniel Park. In the latter part of the 1980's, the Rotary Club constructed the two picnic shelters. In 2020, the city received a Solid Waste Grant and updated the new playset and added a standing seesaw, both made out of recycled materials. This shady park, with its adequate accommodations, has been well used by travelers on U.S. Hwy 54 for many years.

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